Presentation skills  

Annotation: The overall aim of this course is to develop communication and language skills in order to plan and deliver an effective presentation. Students will be taken step by step through all the key points of presenting - from their preparation and ability to introduce themselves to the final summary. Using interactive methods, students are instructed to successfully communicate their thoughts and ideas in logical sequence and orderly units, all concisely, clearly and succinctly. Emphasis is placed on independent critical thinking and the correct formulation of presented ideas. During this course, students will practice skills that will enable them to become better speakers and presenters. Study objectives: The aim of the course is to develop the ability of structured thinking, logical formulation and argumentation, as well as the ability to express one's own opinion briefly and clearly according to the function of the speech and the expectations of the audience. Contents: The overall aim of this course is to develop communication and language skills in order to plan and deliver an effective presentation. Students will be taken step by step through all the key points of presenting - from their preparation and ability to introduce themselves to the final summary. Using interactive methods, students are instructed to successfully communicate their thoughts and ideas in logical sequence and orderly units, all concisely, clearly and succinctly. Emphasis is placed on independent critical thinking and the correct formulation of presented ideas. During this course, students will practice skills that will enable them to become better speakers and presenters. Lecture outlines: Week 1: Course Introduction & Credit Requirements How to Prepare and Give a Presentation Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication Preparing Slides for Presentations HW: Choose Topic for Presentation Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION) Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation Week 4: Making an Outline Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation Week 5: Individual Consultations Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it Key Words in Presentation Week 9: Facts versus Opinions Reporting Verbs / Hedging Week 10: Graphs & Charts How to Talk About a Visual Aid Week 11: Individual Consultations Progress Check / Practice Presentation Week 12: STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations) Exercise syllabus: Week 1: Course Introduction & Credit Requirements How to Prepare and Give a Presentation Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication Preparing Slides for Presentations HW: Choose Topic for Presentation Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION) Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation Week 4: Making an Outline Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation Week 5: Individual Consultations Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it Key Words in Presentation Week 9: Facts versus Opinions Reporting Verbs / Hedging Week 10: Graphs & Charts How to Talk About a Visual Aid Week 11: Individual Consultations Progress Check / Practice Presentation Week 12: STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)
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Presentation skills

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